About Malegaon(BK)Malegaon Budruk Nagar Panchayat has been newly established on 30 March 2021.This Nagar Panchayat located in Baramati Taluka of Pune District is 5 km from Baramati and 80 km from Pune city.As of 2011 census, the city has a population of 21,284The geographical area of the city is 1854.47 hectares with agricultural, residential, industrial and educational centers. Malegaon (BK) The city has a long historical heritage.Descendants of Lakhuji Jadhavrao and Dhanaji Jadhavrao in the year 1732 Malegaon(BK) it is said that this village was given as Vatan.The city still has a historic vestry built in 1865.Nageshwar Temple, Kashi Vishweshwar Temple, Bhavanishankar Temple, Baneshwar Temple are the ancient temples which are still standing today and testify to the historical background. Pirrajebaghswar dargah exists since historical times and even today the practice of filling the Urus in the month of March continues.The Neera Dava Canal, built around 1935 during the historic British period, is the main source of water for the city. |
Visitors Count
- No Objection Certificate for Pendal
- NOC for Trade / Business / Stock
- Complaint of Water Quality
- Complaint of Water Pressure
- Complaint of Illegal Water Connection
- Complaint of Defective Water Meter
- No Dues CertificateWater supply)
- Renewal of Plumber License
- Plumber License
- Preparation of Water Tax Bill
- Making Change in Usage
- Re-Connection
- Temporary / Permanent Disconnection (Water Supply)
- Making Change in Water Connection Size
- Making Change in Ownership
- Tax on Properties being Demolished & Reconstructed
- Division of Property into Subdivisions
- To File an Objection
- Self-Assessment
- Getting Tax Exemption
- Preparation of Tax Demand
- Re Assessment of Property Tax
- New Taxation
- New Water Connection
- Issuance of Occupancy Certificate
- Plinth Completion Certificate
- Issuance of Building Permission
- Issuance of Copy of Part Plan
- Issuance of Zone Certificate
- Issuance of Transfer of Property Certificate (by Succession)
- Issuance of Transfer of Property Certificate (Other Ways)
- Issuance of No Dues Certificate
- Issuance of Property Tax Assessment Copy
- Issuance of Marriage Registration Certificate
- Issuance of Death Certificate
- Issuance of Birth Certificate
- Tax Exemption For Nonresidential Property
- Jal Mal Nissaran
- Certificate Of Unavailability Of Water Supply
- Issuance Of Fire No Objection Certificate
- Issuance Of Final Fire No Objection Certificate
For the benefit of the citizens of the Malegaon, Nagar panchayat has started E-governance. website is part of same project. All services are available online through this website. We request citizens of Malegaon, (BK) to use these services and facilities
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